Commissions English

Want to order art from me ?

Commissions rules and prices

Please contact me on this page or by Private Message on Instagram / Facebook with the following info :

  • Type of commission wanted, including enhancements (ex. gold on ink drawings)
  • Character(s) description (5-6 lines each) + any useful info (ex. type of expression or pose you’d like, favorite background color…)
  • References (required) : I won’t do full charadesigns from text only, so I’ll need any refs you have (previous drawings of your character, photos of clothes, actors, hairstyles…)

Here are the validation steps you will receive for each type of commissions :

  • Digital bust sketch : /
  • Ink on paper : rough sketch
  • Colored pictures (digital / markers) : rough sketch + lineart
  • Full illustration : rough sketch + lineart + flat colors
commissions rules